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Zircon Crown provided from Smile Makers

Zirconium is a cosmetic dental veneer that resembles the shape of natural teeth. It is placed over damaged or broken teeth and can be made from a variety of materials, including metal-bonded porcelain or metal-free porcelain.

Dental , Cosmetic dentistry
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Package Description

Zirconium is a cosmetic dental veneer that resembles the shape of natural teeth. It is placed over damaged or broken teeth and can be made from a variety of materials, including metal-bonded porcelain or metal-free porcelain.

Why to book this package

Protecting weakened or damaged teeth, such as teeth that have had a root canal. Repairing broken or damaged teeth, such as teeth that have been decayed or fractured.

Preparation needed for this service


Terms and conditions

  • After completing the purchase process, the clinic will contact you to schedule the appropriate appointment to provide the service within 24 hours of the purchase time.
  • Tax: Citizens are exempt from VAT on medical services, and VAT is collected on non-Saudis in accordance with the instructions of the competent authorities.